
Thursday, February 11, 2010

DIY Hair Shampoo and Body Wash Recipe Update

You may or may not know that I am No-Poo and have been since August of 2008.

I make this shampoo/bodywash for E.

Easy Homemade Castile Shampoo/Body-wash Updated, Less Oily Recipe

1.5 cups strong black tea
.5 cup castile soap
2 shots witch hazel
1/2 shot jojoba oil
1 tsp salt
10 drops geranium oil

Boil 4 tea bags in 2 cups water until the tea is very dark.
Let cool slightly and then pour off 1.5 cups into a glass container. I use my big pyrex measuring cup so I can measure the ingredients right into it and mix it up.
Add the rest of the ingredients except the scented oil and stir well. Let cool and pour off into a bottle.
Add scent.

Makes about 2 cups.

This product is thinner than commercial shampoo and it doesn't produce as much suds. The man has been using it as shampoo for about a year now and he says he likes it just fine. It turns a darker color with time, this is natural and will not affect the performance of the shampoo. Separation will occur, shake before using.

I've been tweaking the recipe, he said it was too oily so I doubled the witch hazel and halved the oil in this most recent batch.
I used black tea because I had some that I would never use otherwise. I told E the caffeine would "wake his scalp" and the antioxidants would "anti oxidize his hair".

Hey, it could happen :)

Let me know if you try this and tell me about your DIY beauty tricks and tips.


  1. nice. what do you use for your hair? anything?

  2. This is awesome! I have always been tempted to "nopoo".Thank's

  3. kelli, I rinse my hair with plain warm water in the shower every other day (or so) and use a baking soda paste if it seems oily which it seldom does anymore.

    HM, go for it! you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's not like you can't just go back to shampoo if it doesn't work for you, right?

  4. I have tried on three separate occasions to go No Poo. Never make it past Day 7 and I cave.

    I'm up for trying this recipe though. Thanks for sharing!


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