As soon as I heard of the "No Poo" system I knew it was for me.
Just use baking soda to wash and vinegar to condition. Simple. Perfect.
Four obvious reasons off the top of my head to go "No Poo"
- No bottles in the landfill
- No toxic ingredients down the drain and into the water
- No potentially hazardous substances rubbed into my body
- No money spent on "beauty" products that don't really have any effect other than making you buy more cosmetics.
I never had any reservations, I dove head first into No Poo. Pun intended. If I won't put it in my mouth, I don't want to put it on my skin, basically, and I don't want to put sodium laurel sulfate in my mouth or on my body.
I loved it the first time I tried it. My scalp felt clean, my hair was shiny and bouncy. Now, over a year later, the color is deeper, my hair is softer and my scalp itches less than it did when I used shampoo. My hair doesn't get any greasier than when I used shampoo and it looks, feels and smells clean, fresh and healthy with no perfume smell.
This system takes a little getting used to because it isn't the foaming or sudsing shampoo method that you are used to.
This is how I clean my hair.
1/2 cup of baking soda in a 12 oz jar.
Wet hair in the shower
Fill the baking soda jar about half full of water and dump it over head.
Work it in with fingers and let it set for a minute.
Rinse well.
This is how I condition
Method one.
1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar in 12 oz jar.
Mix with 2 cups of water and pour over hair.
You may add essential oils if you want it scented.
Let set for a minute
Repeat if necessary.
Method 2. I have thick curly hair. If your hair is thin this will make it oily looking, so be aware.
After baking soda cleansing, still in the shower, take a drop or two of jojoba, olive or coconut oil in the palm of your hand.
Work it into wet hair, starting at the ends.
Use more oil as necessary.
Rinse well with hot water
Comb through and rinse again.

Do this daily for a week, then every other day, gradually weaning yourself down to 2 or three times a week or less and you will notice your hair getting less greasy between cleanings. As time goes on I find that I get away with just a warm water rinse more and more often. My hair doesn't feel dry or oily. Just clean, fresh and shiny. Honestly, I feel liberated, free and light, no longer a slave to the lies of the cosmetics industry. But the real question is:
Will you try it? Will you tell others?
Will you take the "No Poo" Challenge? Please, give me your opinion about this method and if you have tried it, chime in and tell your story. I will gladly link blogs. We really need to spread the word about No Poo, the system and the benefits. Just like with any change, people are frightened of the unknown, they don't know what would happen if they stopped using shampoo. Let the world know that shampoo is unnecessary and toxic, please tell your story.
Update, February 2010. Still no poo! I took some photos today so you can see my hair is still clean, soft and not stinky in any way since I quit using shampoo over a year ago.
I rarely use baking soda or oil on my hair anymore, just rinse it with warm water in the shower.
Terrible photos, i know. It's still hard to take photos of the back of my head, even with a camera that has a timer.
And now, without further ado, I present to you, My Scalp, circa Feb 2010.
I really want to do this. As soon as I'm in my cabin, I'll try it. But that's still some months off. In the meantime, I'll watch what others are doing. Thanks for the incentive and way to go!
Right on, Isle Dance! I will keep watching to see your no poo transition!
Another good reason not to use shampoo? Not having to read the small print on bottles and hope it's vegan. There is nothing like buying a product and bringing it home and then finding out it's not vegan. Not buying hair products eliminates that hassle from my life forever.
Okay, you say your hair is curly, still looks good without any kind of gel or anything like that? Thats really the main thing keeping me from trying hair is all puffy and stupid looking if I don't put anything in it.
Thanks for commenting! People get mad at me sometimes for implying that what is right for me is right for everyone. That is not what I'm trying to do, really it isn't.
In 1987 my blow dryer broke and I didn't have the money or the inclination to go buy a new one. I decided that day that straightening my hair was a waste of time and from that day forward, to let it do what it wants. I quit fighting against my hair and started letting it grow, simply washing it and brushing it and at one point not brushing it anymore and having dreadlocks! Looking good is a relative term, really.
My hair is curly and it does look stupid and puffy when i don't use any gel on it. But I haven't used any styling products like gel or spray in years and now I'm used to the stupid and puffy. I braid it for every day use and let it dry in it's natural curl for special occasions, pull it back with a pretty clip when I want to look special or whatever. It's rather long now and the weight of it helps pull some of the curl out. I also use oil once a week or so, which does make it a bit more manageable and less frizzy.
Now, I say to you, you may want to continue to use styling products even if you aren't using shampoo. You may want to re define "My hair looks good". You may not be ready to quit the poo. However, your hair has natural oils and may even out without harsh shampoos and not be quite so puffy and stupid looking. There is only one way to find out and what do you have to lose, after all? It's not like you couldn't go right back to shampooing your hair if it didn't work for you, right?
I wish I had a definitive answer, I don't. Everyone is different and you will have to experiment to find out what is best for you. It's a long path and I am just holding up a signpost, as usual.
Best of luck, I hope this was a little helpful!
Cool, thanks for the response. I was just wondering, since the people who I've seen do it in the past didn't have curly hair. I might give it a try...but I'll probably wait until summer, when I won't go through the transition phase during the school year.
Right on, Gina. Thanks again for stopping by and giving input. I am going to get some photos of my hair, so people can see what I'm dealing with here. I just have to get my guy to take them.
I tried the No Poo method a few years ago, but got scared off by the transition period (i.e. oily, smelly hair) and quickly returned to my (vegan, SLS-free, lesser evil) shampoo.
I do want to try it again, though. In the past few months, I've stopped blow-drying, styling, etc. my hair and am making the gradual transition towards an all-natural noggin...
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