
Thursday, November 12, 2009

We got a Vita-Mix!

Here it is blending my morning smoothie.

Celery, romaine, flax seeds, garlic, Renewme and Ruth's hemp/maca/e3live.

The man bought this beautiful piece at a restaurants yard sale.

I swear, everything I own is second hand. I think I was conceived in a used car. Just kidding, mom.

This gently used commercial model with the logo of whatever they were selling on the front cost an amazingly low $50. It has a timer but it doesn't have speed control.

I think we are going to be together for a long time.

This is the computer room. It's a mess now but it's a good size room and I think it could be fixed up nice with a little effort.

This is the satellite dish that brings me to you and vice versa.

And last but not least, dinner last night:

Baked hash browns, mixed cooked veges and a raw rainbow chard salad.


  1. Nice dinner! Congrats on the Vita-Mix...we love our's!


  2. i'm jealous of the vita mix!!! someday...

  3. welcome back to de innernets!! yay!!

  4. It's good to have you back blogging. I've missed your inspiring posts. M


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