
Monday, June 8, 2009

I didn't update this weekend at all, did I?

I started the day with 20 oz of filtered water then had a brisk round of changing bed sheets.

I had a cantaloupe smoothie for breakfast

I walked around the house saying good morning to all the trees and birds and plants.

There is some sort of bug eating this tree.

I'm not sure what kind of tree it is but it was covered with white flowers earlier, now it has little fruits on it.

That one is about the size of a quarter. They are oddly shaped, not really round, not like plums, either, though. kind of wrinkly and hollow inside. Anybody know?

The peppers are starting to bud. I think they are jalapenos, not sure. We will find out soon enough, I suppose

Got a new dryer. It's the one on the left, in almond.

It came with a washer, too but the motor needs a clamp and a part, easy stuff, it will happen eventually.

But, yay, we have a working dryer. And it REALLY works. the old one took 160 minutes or more to dry a load of laundry. This one has double load capacity and dries a load in UNDER AN HOUR! Ah, bliss.

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