Good morning everyone!
What a beautiful day juice feasting yesterday!
Shown with Roastaroma tea. These would be so good with coffee!
This morning I bring you my recipe for Raw Vegan Carrot Cake Cookies. The cookie/cake isn't very sweet but the pecan date topping is. Serve these for breakfast, brunch or dessert. I had mine for breakfast this morning with a cup of roastaroma. I ate the garnish, too :)
The cookie is
1 cup of carrot pulp from juicing
1 apple cored and chopped
1/4 cup ground flaxseed
2 tbs flaxseed oil
Water if needed to blend
Chop in Food Processor with s-blade until smooth.
Spread on dehydrator sheet about 1/2" thick or as thick as you want your cookies to be.
Dehydrate at 120F for 2 hours or until you are able to flip it onto the rack.
Continue to dry at 95-112F overnight or until it's stil flexible but not crumbly.
Freeze the big cookie for two hours and then cut it into the size and shapes you want your cookies to be.
I didn't measure but
A bit handful of pecans
12 or so dates
In FP with s blade chop it until it's a lumpy paste
Press the lumpy paste to the top of a frozen cookie and shape it with your hands. Allow to thaw in the fridge and serve with hot tea or coffee.


For dinner last night I had a huge salad made from greens that I grew woot, sauerkraut that I made aw yeeah, and raw leeks and celery. I had a bowl of the potato leek soup slurp! and TWO slices of bread with brazil nut cheese nomnomnom.

Playing with my food
I was full but it felt good. I like juice feasting one day a week, but I really like to prepare food and eat it with my family, not just chop and juice and clean the juicer and repeat all day. One day a week is enough for me now. That could change in the future.