A Plant Based, Vegan Food Blog. Recipes, Truth, Sarcasm and Anti-establishment, DIY, Off the Grid Health & Beauty Tips, Hints, Reviews & Giveaways
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Photos of the indoor vegetables
First I'd like to thank Blogger for changing the photo uploader so I can use it again. Thank you, Blogger
Next I'd like to share these photos of our indoor veg and flowers. Keep in mind, all are being grown VEGAN! No animal derived fertilizers are used in our gardens.
Red lettuce. We have 14 of these.
Here is a photo of the starts on Oct 28 Wow, have they grown in 7 days!
Giant tomato plants. Not sure what these are. There are 6 different types of heirloom. I have the seed packets still; I will have to compare packet pictures with plants and name them.
Ruby Chard. I harvest a handful of leaves for a side dish or smoothie regularly.
Sweet Potato. We grew this from an eye. I think it probably won't produce potatoes in that small pot but it's a beautiful plant, nonetheless.
We found a dead, dried up plant on top of a trash can behind a church in Ashland, Ore. It has a stalk sticking up and I just had a feeling it would grow so we brought it home, put it outside next to the garden and squirted it with the hose once in a while. Near the end of summer it started to grow beautiful green leaves. Now there are 3 or 4 stalks and I hope a flower of some kind pops out. I wish I knew more about flowers!
Ok, That's it for today. I hope you enjoy the photos.
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