Cube and steam until soft but not mushy 4 small red potatoes (about 4 cups raw).
Heat 1 tbs olive oil in a large skillet.
When the oil is hot add one cup sliced onion and one cup of cubed raw sweet potato.
When the onions started to get translucent stir in the cooked red potatoes, 1 tbs chopped raw garlic. 1/8 tsp black pepper, 1/2 tsp salt and stir well.
Cover the skillet with a screen and let it cook over med heat w/out stirring for 5 minutes.
Then add 2 cups of raw, rough cut mushrooms and stir it well. Cover with screen and let it cook again for 5 min.
Stir and let cook 5 min one more time.
Once the sweet potatoes are soft but not mushy, Serve HOT.