
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How to cook Perfect Rice on an Electric Stove

This works for white rice or quinoa.

Perfect Rice

Put one cup rice or quinoa in a large sauce pan or pot.
Add 2 cups cold water
Bring to a boil
Turn the burner off but leave the pan on the burner and put a tight lid on the pan.
Leave the pan for 20 min or longer, no worry of it burning and you have perfect rice whenever you need it!
Fluff, reheat if necessary and serve with curry, chili, beans, gravy, or use for stuffing, vegan meatloaf or patties, soups, salads, sidedishes, breakfast dinner, lunch, brunch or just a snack!

PS: You must use an electric stove. I don't know how to make perfect rice on a gas stove :)


  1. and I'm guessing this is for white rice, not brown, right?

  2. Yes, white rice. I will fix that, thank you :) Brown rice you just boil in a big pot of water about 40 minutes and then drain. At least that is the way I've always done it. Cheers!


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