
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Beans. Sexy, Sexy Beans

I guess the people in marketing at Fiesta got wind of the fact that sex sells.

I'm not sure which is more of a turn on: The nearly naked woman on the package or the fact that they only cost a dollar a pound. Either way, I love beans. High in fiber, sodium and fat free, and cheap. Where is his other arm?

Speaking of beans, this was dinner last night:

Red leaf lettuce with bean salad. That's garbanzo, black and pinto beans with corn and green beans and chopped red bell pepper. The dressing is jalapeno infused olive oil and raw garlic blended together with a little bit of water. On the side, there is fried polenta with caramelized onions. That is Food Merchant's Brand Ancient Harvest Quinoa Polenta fried in olive oil with onions.


  1. Beans & winter is the perfect match! His arm should be somewhere??!!


  2. If you want to see some sexy women, go to my site on the videos page!

    This is making me hungry for some winter comfort food. Bean and Lentil soup!

    To Your Health!
    James Reno (editor)


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