
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Raw Vegan Lunch Idea! Seaweed Noodles with Pumpkin Seed Curry Sauce

Talk about quick and easy lunch! I decided I wanted this at 11:30 and was sitting down eating it by noon.

Soak your seaweed strips in cold water for 10-20 minutes. These are the raw noodles.

They have a mild, fresh taste and they aren't too chewy. I bought them in an Asian food market in SF.

Drain them and place in a serving bowl.

Make a raw sauce in your blender

I used

Pumpkin Seed Curry Sauce
1 tbs pumpkin seeds
2 dates
2 tbs water
1 clove of garlic (or less. I looo-oove garlic)
1/4 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp cumin

Blend all this up until its a creamy sauce and pour it over your raw seaweed pasta
I garnished with sliced carrots for some color



  1. i lovee garlic too! but i cant chew the raw carrots you know, no teef!!! :( but it looks swell!

  2. i lovee garlic too! but i cant chew the raw carrots you know, no teef!!! :( but it looks swell!

  3. How did this taste? It looks like something that I'd like to try. I like the ingredients in your sauce, so I know I would love the sauce, but I've never tried seaweed. I'll definitely venture out and try this, though. :)


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