We drove down with C&S
We stopped at Grass Lake at the rest stop. C and I were walking to the facility and she said, "Do you want to see the Glory Hole?" "Err, noooo..." I thought but I went. Turns out it's a stream that runs out of a hole in the ground that is formed by a tube of lava. I was relieved. Grass Valley is beautiful and we almost always stop at this rest area when we make the tripbut this was the first time I ever saw the Glory Hole.

C and S dropped us off at the campgrounds. Lovely place. Lots of rocks. It was pretty full of people, quite a few large groups of people who were partying. We shared a campsite with two other people who were at the expo. One was a photographer and one was the vendor coordinator. It was really nice to hang out and talk with other raw foodists face to face.

The man sets up the pup tent all nice.
The next morning C&S picked us up and we went to the expo to set up. It was early and the vendor's room wasn't open yet so we went to the Farmer's Market that was out in the parking lot.
Later that morning John Kohler, the organizer of the expo, put me to work cutting up name tags.

I was scheduled to work one volunteer shift on Sunday so I spent most Saturday either helping with the E3live booth or goofing around and meeting people.
People like Victoria Boutenko who is the most sweetest lady ever and she gave me a DVD!

"Just pick one" she said. I picked Valya Boutenko's Overcoming the Food Imprint, the origin of our cravings. WOW!! It' s documentary and I am looking forward to seeing it.
I had my copy of Green for Life and she signed it for me. She said "this is an old copy!"
This is the e3 booth. There was a refrigerated dispenser and we gave out samples and sold frozen bottles that were kept in the freezer until the buyers went home. Response was good. I thought the whole experience was very positive.

Here is a view of the island tables. There are a lot of people in that photo.

Kevin Gianni, Ester Van Der Werf, Victoria and Valya Boutenko, and others! Click on it to see it BIG. If you recognize anyone else, please tell me in the comments! Kthnx!
We stayed all day and it was a lot of fun. I saw Paul Nison speak and a food demo by Melissa Mango make Perfect Tunah salad Seasonal Peach-Apple cobbler and helped out with little things where I was needed, like putting recyclables and trash in the containers and pointing people in the right direction if they couldn't find a speaker or demo they wanted to see. "through the double doors, first door on the right." I had a great time and the energy from everyone was so positive. Beautiful Day!
Aurora! Did I see you there? There were a couple of people who had little girls and I don't recognize you from your photo on your profile.
And that was day one. Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion, Day Two! Where I meet Adeba Wright and follow her around like a puppy!
Yep, yep, we were there... I did bump into you a couple of times...
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a great experience, so nice to have something local. Now to track down Melissa Mango, who I found out lives very close to me! Must start a raw potluck!!!!
It was awesome. I can't wait to do it again!