
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

We went camping at the usual place
Our friend owns a few acres in No California and it's a nice weekend getaway.

There is a bunch of woods and a travel trailer to sleep in. My kind of camping. The kind with a private toilet :)

Me, hot, tired, dirty and 42.

This is our truck at the Oroville Dam runoff.

I think that's where we are...

On the way home there was a wildfire and we had to take a detour because 97 was closed so we went over Mt Ashland.

And we stopped here, at Tub Springs.

Best water. So cold after such a hot day on the road. The settlers crossing the Siskiyou mountain range must have been really happy to see it.

This is the cab of the truck.

And we went swimming in Berry creek.


  1. Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday dear *mumblemumble*...
    Happy birthday to you!!!

    And many more!

    Happy birthday!!!!

  3. Sending Happy Birthday wishes your way! Hope you have fun celebrating YOU!

  4. Happy birthday to you! What a wonderful way to spend a weekend. In the arms of mother nature.



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