
Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Friday!

Tomatoes are coming right along

I wanted juice but then I made it and didn't want it. So I had a piece of toast from the last of the rye bread I made the other day. It was delicious and I was soo happy eating it!

You know what i bet caused it? eating that flat bread last night probably triggered the craving for more bread today. No worries, no regrets, no recriminations. I feel great, two days of juice and steamed veges did my body good. Next time I will do even better!

I'll do it again next week.

Hopefully something is going to happen here over the weekend. I can't type about here, it but send me good vibes, please? Thanks, you're awesome!


  1. the tomatoes look great! i've got a teeny tomato growing, my first, and i'm so excited! it's been raining so i haven't had a chance to take a photo or admire it too much. i'm like a proud momma! i think i shall name it. :P

    will do on those vibes =)

  2. well, you ALWAYS get good vibes from here!!!!


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