The guys went out and played in the snow for a couple of hours. E told me that his dad and his dad's wife (3) were coming over later.
Cool. I haven't seen any family besides the boy and the man in about 2 weeks or so, so the intrusion was MORE than welcome. I like them both very much.
I spent the day shucking peanuts. We eat a lot of peanuts around here. Great protein.

I shelled them all while watching television. It took me a couple of hours and I didn't feel guilty about watching television. I watched Dirty Jobs on Discovery Channel and then flipped around. Blah, television.

This bag of peanuts has been in the freezer for about a month. I know these are raw because I have sprouted them before but it was neat to see one sprouted in the shell.
Shelled and then soaked and peeled.

There is a lot of tannic acid in these so they get soaked over night, 8 hrs or so. I like to take the skins off of the peas, so it is pretty labor intensive.

E helped me skin some and MIL did to so it went pretty fast. They will soak until morning and then I will dry them on a rack, not in the deyhdrator, just in a cupboard for a couple of hours and then freeze them again and have nuts for nut meat loaf mix when ever I need it. Peanuts are cheap and nutritious. I love them. The link goes to the Peanut Institutes website. They might be biased, but you can get a good idea :) Scroll down for the info on a handful of RAW peanuts. They don't mention if the nuts are soaked or not.
Peanuts. Not a nut or a pea. Still delicious, nutrious and cheep!

Icicle Update:
For those who are caring about the monster icicle out my front door:

It has almost reached the ground. I think if this happens it may cause a rift in time and we may have a portal to the future or the past for a period of time. I can't say how we could use it, we really don't have the technology, I just know it may be there (1)

I don't know if you can see it but this is the view out one window to the underside of the eaves. The snow has slid and curled like a wave, the icicles are pointing straight up and also straight at the windows. It's really fun to watch it get bigger by the hour o_0... this is happening all around the house, mostly outside windows. hmmm. Cocoabean, wanna come over and plasticate our million windows? (2) Just kidding.
I dragged out the Furby and MIL really enjoyed playing with him. He enjoys telling stories, knock-knock jokes, singing songs, dancing, eating and having his belly rubbed.
Here he is guarding the sweet potato we were about to eat.

Raw Vegan Taco Night! The shells are sliced sweet potato

So many variations! We were having so much fun!


Lots of chopped veges, zukes, parsnips, yellow bell pepper, basil, not quite done sundried tomato (4), avo and green onion.
For the taco shells I sliced a sweet potato with my mandoline on the thinnest setting, laying on it's side so I got long, wide slices. Sweet potato is very pliable(5) and gives in to you will without a peep. You can wrap it like a nori wrap or a lettuce leaf, but it has a starchyness that makes it seem almost bread like and I called it tacos because I saw people eating it folded like a taco instead of rolled like a sushi roll.
They were very good. The basil made everything pop! And a couple of grains of salt made the flavor stand out even more.
I must have eaten ten of them!!
mmm, taco night.
1. Where is my tinfoil hat?
2 it's not really a million, more like 700,000.
3. From here on out to be known in this blog ad DIL and MIL, respectfully and respectively
4. I put them in this morning and they are smaller but still juicy and the flavor is amazing.
5. Look for a raw vegan ravioli recipe featuring sweet potatoes in the near future.
make sure to buy the huge economy size!! and as for tin foil hats, one just never knows!
icicles!!! i love icicles!!
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