
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sunrise and smoothies

It was 9F when we woke up this morning which was a couple of hours before this photo was taken:

Today's smoothie looked a lot like yesterday's smoothie:

Banana, apple, grapefruit juice, some pineapple, flaxseed, RenewMe and water. We need to go shopping I am all out of greens.


  1. Mmm, you do live in Paradise, don't you? Just beautiful. I love that the trampoline stays out year round!

  2. It is beautiful here. i remember when we had to move last summer and i was so upset but then we found this place and it is 300% better. The last place was in a cove and dark and cold, this place is in full sunlight, high enough up so no shadows of any kind, ALL DAY from about 8 am until 4pm. I'm getting a farmer's tan from sitting by this window. I can't wait to plant a real garden up here. *GASP*

    People put their trampolines away? Not in this region. I see tramps down in the valley with a foot of snow on them, the kids sweep em off and go trampin :)

  3. Hi! I just came across your blog and noticed some of the delicious foods you have posted about. I LOVE to curry my veggies and then add them to a grain dish...
    you have reminded me to use more of my "what to do with" foods to make smoothies with!

  4. My Year, Thanks for stopping by!
    Curried veges and grain is a very common dish around here and you never know WHAT you might find in your smoothie! Cheers and happy holidays!


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