
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Holiday Nog Green Smoothie!

2 cups spinach
2 bananas
1/4 tsp each:
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
Water to blend

Guilt free, cruelty free, raw, vegan holiday nog.

Party on.


  1. What a great idea! I LOVE nog, I will be trying this green nog tomorrow for breakfast, I think!

  2. I tried this for breakfast today and it was fantastic! I used a bit of a vanilla bean instead of extract

    heavenly. Thank you!

  3. That is so great to hear! I used powdered vanilla bean. I also love nog and this is low fat and full of goodies, too! I'm pretty excited about it :)

    Thanks for the comments, you made my day!

  4. This looks awesome...but my juicer doesn't like leafy vegetables :(

  5. Babs, That's why you use the blender. I cut the greens into smaller chunks and blend it all up! No juicer needed!


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