
Monday, November 30, 2009

Roasted Fennel, Purple Potatoes, Red Bell Peppers

Roasted vegetables featuring fennel.

People ask me "ZB, how do you prepare fennel?" I never really had an answer but this is what I did with some yesterday:

I bought fennel and cooked it for the first time. I've had it raw, shredded in salad, but never cooked it. I decided to roast it. The flavor is distinctly anise or licorice. I cooked it with rosemary and a little salt.

First, cut the feathery leaves off and dehydrate them to be used as a spice in dishes later.

I chopped the long fingers off of the bulb and cut them into 2-3 inch pieces*. Slice the bulb in about 1" wide slices.
Cut purple potatoes and bells into bite sized pieces and peel the garlic cloves. Put all in a baking pan, drizzle with olive oil and rosemary and bake at 350F for an hour.

Remove from the oven and stir or flip the vegetables. Put back in the oven at 350F for another hour or so until the potatoes are soft. Salt to taste and serve.

The outside is of the fennel was tough but there is a soft center, sort of like the heart of an artichoke, which was absolutely delicious.

Shown here with sweet potato/parsnip curry

*The stems turned out tough and pretty much inedible. Next time I'd put them in a stew or use them for vegetable stock.

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