
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How to Roast an Eggplant

How to roast an eggplant.
Like most things it's easier than you might think.

If you are using eggplant for a recipe the important thing is for it to be very, very overcooked well cooked. I like raw eggplant cubed in salad, dehydrated as chips, etc, but if you are cooking eggplant you want to make sure it's well done.

Poke a bunch of holes in the eggplant and put it in a baking dish that is big enough to lay it down.

Bake at 400F, keeping your eye on it until it deflates. You might have to poke it an turn it to get all the juice out but it will deflate after an hour, hour and a half. Remove and compost the skin.

Now you have a large bowl of roasted eggplant that is ready to bend to your will. Make sauce, relish/pickle, soup, dip, casserole, freeze it and save it for later, puree it and make crackers, let your imagination take you where it will with roasted eggplant.


  1. That's a very useful tip. Frankly, whenever I tried to do something with an eggplant, it tourned out terribly bitter, so now I'm rather demotivated, but if I ever want to try again, I'll do as you say.

  2. Roasting the eggplant definitely brings out the sweetness. I hope you try eggplant again it's really good stuff.


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