
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wild Juice day 2

I am juicing again this morning.

Thistle, mint, nettle, dandelion, plantain, and lemon mint. All from the yard, all free, Yay! I threw in a hunk of ginger, too. mmm, green and freeee...

I also had a 16 oz of water with 4 oz of ACV.

My right wrist is killing. I can't find my brace. All those years of racking clothes took a real toll on my right arm: shoulder, elbow and wrist. Once in a while one of those components will hurt for a week or two. The elbow is the worst, actual crying pain. Since I don't take any pills anymore, I am dealing with pain on pains terms. I should take the day off from typing after this.

Yesterday, brief recap.

I juiced all day. I went through 2 bags of carrots, one head of celery, two oranges, two lemons, a couple of thumbs of ginger and the greens that I picked yesterday
Had a tbs of sunflower seeds around 3pm. about 7 pm I had a bowl of steamed quinoa with steamed cabbage, corn and sauerkraut. about 9 pm I had a bowl of pudding, 1 banana, 1 avo, tbs of cocoa powder, 1/4 tsp vanilla extract and 2 tsp lemon juice.

We'll see. I'm feeling pretty good. It's been raining. I can't get the laundry done since the lines are outside, the clothes won't dry. I have laid out the clothes that I washed yesterday and they are drying in the laundry room but, yeah. Come on SUN!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your recipes are so inspiring. Thank you so much. Is it possible to get the health effect just my eating them with my eyes and mind?

    Please keep up these inspiring creations of earths goodness.


  3. Thank you very much, what a lovely compliment.

    If i can inspire one person I feel like I have done something with my life.


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