When I was a tot and I would say to my mom, "I'm hungry!" She would tell me to go out in the yard and graze.
There were a lot of edibles out there, berries, apples, pears, more berries, plums, and those little pea pod things we called vetch. They have purple flowers and little pods with peas or seeds in side and they are delicious. When I was about 5, I told her I was running away from home and not to worry for I could live on vetch. She told me to take all of my things because if I would need them and if I left I could never come back. We tried to get all of my toys and clothes in to a suitcase but it wouldn't close and I couldn't carry it. I decided to stay home and maybe start getting rid of some stuff...
This morning after the boy was put on the bus i picked some

(clockwise from top)
Nettle (with gloves on, thank you)
Plantain (not the banana kind, the weed kind)
In the blender with about 20 oz water and a tbs of ginger, blend and strain. I strained it through a fine sieve, then a cloth bag.
I was going to add some lemon juice but when i tasted it and it was nice and minty. No need.
What wild edibles do you eat? Please tell me!

mmmmm what a great combo! And yah for backyard grazing.