
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oat Cheese Recipe

I like the original recipe for oat cheese
But this is better.
I added a healthy dose of fermented okara for texture and got a smooth, creamier textured product with a tangy flavor sans the lemon juice and tahini in the original recipe. I also use less water than the original recipe and leave out the cornstarch.

It softens when you heat it and makes a very convincing  vegan grilled cheese sandwich.
Stir into cooked pasta, put bread crumbs on top and bake 20 minutes for vegan mac n cheese.
Slice and layer in a vegan lasagna.
Freeze and grate over vegan pizza before baking.
Heat and add chopped jalapeño; pour over chips for vegan nachos

Put in blender carafe:
1/2 cup fermented okara paste
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup (or less) nutritional yeast
1 tbs paprika
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt (or less)
1 cup water.
Blend until super smooth.
Pour mixture into a saucepan over med heat.
add 1 cup water to blender carafe to rinse the blender and pour that in the saucepan, too (no waste).
Simmer, stirring constantly until very thick and holds it's shape. 10-15 minutes or longer.
Pour into mold and chill.
Turn out for slicing, freeze for grating, spoon for sauces.

Chillin' in the loaf pan.