"The stark contrast between our frenzied reaction to unfamiliar hazards and our reckless tolerance of familiar ones never ceases to amaze me.
The current incidence of swine flu, which killed five Americans, has captured the headlines, cancelled public events, and closed dozens of schools. At the same time, we have blithely continued our consumption of meat and dairy products, which has been linked conclusively with elevated risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases that kill 1.3 million Americans annually.
But it's not just about chronic diseases. According to the United Nations, animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, leading to catastrophic floods, droughts, and sea level rises, which threaten human survival. It uses more fresh water and dumps more deadly wastes into our water supplies than all other human activities combined.
Each of us has a shared responsibility for our society's health and welfare. The best time to exercise this responsibility is on our next trip to the supermarket, where we can explore the rich variety of meat-free and dairy-free ready-to-eat frozen dinners, veggie burgers and dogs, lunch "meats," and plant-based cheese, ice cream, and milk. Helpful transition hints and recipes galore are available at www.tryveg.org and www.chooseveg.org.
Luther Lathley
Alexandria"Reprinted without permission from The Town Talk
the last part about meat substitutes I would change to say eat raw foods, but I would lose a large part of my audience at that point.
Today's Smoothie
Again in deep purple

Half a beet
1 banana
A cup of lettuce from the garden and about 2 cups of red leaf from the store
Juice of one lemon
2 tbs ground flax
1 tbs each renewme and e3afa

The mosquitoes are getting bad. Fortunately they don't like to bite me much but the guys are getting chewed to bits.
"consumption of meat and dairy products, which has been linked conclusively with elevated risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases that kill 1.3 million Americans annually." I love it! It's so so so true!
Our pollen here is bad, too. Yesterday we left the car windows down for a couple of hours and when we got in, everything inside was coated in yellow. It's a good thing I don't have seasonal allergies, my boyfriend, on the other hand, had to deal with it :(
I got bit up by chiggers yesterday. First bug bites of the year, itchy itchy itcy.
eww, chiggers? We have midges here. They don't bite but they are very small and there are so many, they are like, remember, in old cartoons when the flying bugs would all get together and form a being with arms and legs and chase daffy or donald (or whomever)? It's like that! lol.
I can totally picture that, that's hilarious!
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