We rent this house but the owner is still in love with the lawn. He came out and personally turned the sprinkler system on. It's a damn nice lawn. I have never lived in a house with a lawn quite this luxurious. I know they can be terribly environmentally unsound but, my goodness that is a nice freckn lawn! hmm. Spell check has no problem with the word freckn. funny, that.
The flowers out back are starting to bloom

See that grass? it's like that all over out huge back and front yards. Look out for deer poop, though.
I'm not sure what these flowers are called but they smell like roses and look like cabbage

I got a whole bunch of photos like this.

Where the little bitty bird was...
And then finally got one.

Baby starling, I think. There are literally hundreds of them in the plum tree eating midges and flitting about.

A tiny ant carrying a piece of leaf. These guys were all over the ground but hard to photograph cuz they were moving so DANG FAST.
Those flowers are peonies... I remember my mother would pick them, and when they were in the house, we would find they were full of ants... beautiful!
love the nature pix! good stuff, even! deer poop make for the green green grass of home!!!
CB, peonies, thank you. I sure won't bring them in the house, lol!
Art, This is the best, greenest, most wildlife filled spring I have ever seen and i am from OREGON!
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