Ok, I knew she wasn't eating. I knew she didn't feel good. I thought it might be transition anxiety. But she lost a bunch of weight in the past week so yesterday we took her to the vet.
Here she is curled up on the bed this morning. She has been hiding in the closet. This is the first time in a while that she has come out and slept on the bed.

Pocket Kitty

From the vet:

Baytril is the antibiotic and prednisolone is the steroids. I told Mickey he better look out, Minnie might get "Roid Rage" and kick his butt, hehe.
He didn't seem too worried.

Liver disease is the prelim diagnosis. She is jaundiced. Yellow ears and eyes. I didn't even notice until Vet pointed it out to me. Vet said she is probably older than five years. But I don't know. She weighs 5.47 lbs.

That is not enough for a cat. When she got here, she weighed 8lbs. That is a small cat. 5.47 is a pocket cat.
They took blood and gave her a subcutaneous fluid injection to help with the dehydration. She drinks. I see her drink.
Anyway, the trip to the vet's was nice, she went right into the crate, was nice for Vet, no scratch or hiss. A very compliant cat. Probably because she is weak and sick.
Vet says prognosis is very poor. The cat will probably die in a few months. She is alert, responsive and still uses the cat box so she's not really suffering except maybe nauseous, tired, tummy ache, I guess. If she starts to become listless and not responsive we will take her in to be put down. The boy was asking what we were gonna do for the funeral. I told him not to start planning yet, she could fool us all and live for another 10 years, you never know.
Vet prescribed antibiotics in case it is an infection and steroids, I don't remember why but it might be something that steroids will help.
She asked if we could give her the sub Q fluids but I don't want to stick a needle in a cat, I really don't. We will bring her in once a week, it's about 25 bucks for a water fix in this town. She does drink water, though. Drinks and pees. Just no poo.
When we got home, I gave her pills. It wasn't hard. She didn't fight it much and once I got a hold of her right they went. After the first pill the second went down real easy and this morning, two pills no problem. I think I may do two pills at the same time so I only have to open her mouth once. Twice a day.
After the pills she actually showed signs of feeling better. She came out of the room for and was exploring in the living room and kitchen which she hasn't done since February. And then after we had dinner I brought her some canned food, fancy feast, and she ate it!

She ate almost a tablespoon of the stinky stuff! I haven't seen her eat that much in a while. I had been feeding her by putting food on her lips and nose and she would lick it off but it was hard to get more than a teaspoon in her in about ten minutes. Anyway, she ate. then she drank some water and then she peed. I am hoping she will eat more and maybe poop, even!
Vet said everything felt normal, there were no masses. She sold us two cans of wet food at a buck fifty each, comparable to fancy feast, that is mostly meat, I read the ingredients, no fillers. I will try to get her to eat the rest of the fancy feast which is mostly meat also, but less vitamins on the label, and then start on the vet food. The vet food is pork and the fancy feast is chicken. I think chicken is closer to what a cat would naturally eat, but whatever. I just want the cat to eat, I don't care.
I am hopeful for her and grateful to have her in my house. She's a beautiful, loving cat and when she goes, like we all do eventually, I will miss her very much. Until then I will give her the best home I possibly can and keep her as comfortable as possible.
awwww I'm sorry. It's so sad to lose a pet, even if you haven't had them for long. I know you will do what's best for her...
Oh, kitty!
Fingers and toes crossed that her final days - whether near or far, far away - are peaceful and happy.
I'm really sorry to hear about your kitty. This must be really hard for you. You're in my thoughts!
Oh I am so thinking happy thoughts for your sweet kitty. Thanks for stopping by:) I so appreciate it:) How did you find me?
I hope everything goes well. I know live problems are never good, but she sounds like she's doing well in spite of it. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Thanks, ladies. She's eating right now. The good thoughts, antib's or the roids, I don't know but something is making her feel better.
Thanks, I will keep you posted.
my heart goes out to you and kitty. i know what you are going thru!! im here for you, as always!! ((((((((HUGS))))))))))
Thanks, Art, you are a true friend and great buddy!
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