I was inspired by this recipe from Gone Raw and this one from Recipezaar
So, here we go with my version.
First the sauce. Here are some of the ingredients:

Approx one clove of garlic, peeled
2 tbs sunflower seed
1tbs sesame seed
juice and pulp of about a half inch slice of lemon. I cut the slice from half a lemon, removed the peel and blended it with everything else.
2 tsp nutritional yeast
1/2 ripe avocado

4 small brown mushrooms

1/4 tsp salt

Blend all together until super creamy. Use more or less salt to your taste. I use brown mushrooms because it makes the sauce brown instead of green. If you don't mind green sauce you can use white mushrooms, or any kind of mushrooms you like. I think this tastes and looks the most like Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup, which is most like what we are trying to duplicate. Isn't it? Yeah, it is.
Here it is green, before the mushrooms were added

And here, with the mushrooms and a little more water. You don't want it too thin, or it will be more soupy than casserole-y

It sticks to the spoon but it's not really thick. (Next time I will make it thicker for a shorter dehydration time)
These are green beans that have been in the freezer for at least 24 hours. This preserves the enzymes but causes the cell walls to burst, resulting in a softer, more "cooked" texture to the bean

Begin to julienne all the green beans

Become very tired of that very quickly and just chop them all in small pieces and put them in the individual dishes that will go in the dehydrator

add the sauce and stir


I put these in at 10 am and expect to eat them no earlier than 6pm. I am hoping that a lot of the liquid will be released in the form of steam and that this will thicken up. I don't quite know what to do about the onions for the top.
As usual, I will update with finished photos, reviews and notes on what I would do different next time, later
I went to check on the mini casseroles and just as I suspected the sauce is thickening and turning darker in color. It's been about two hours at this point

Side view so you can see the level of liquid went down

You can see the color difference there, also.
From the top:


I stirred it up and put it back in the dehydrator. I will probably continue to stir it every two hours or so and then about 4pm let it get crusty on top until time to eat.
Darling BF is a green bean casserole aficionado. He is the one who makes the casserole for his family's holiday dinners. When I casually mentioned trying to make this for the family thanksgiving his reply was "fine, but make a small one". :0 Jerk.
So he is feeling a little trepidation. Having eaten my raw food creations for, what over 2 weeks now? (still doing the smoothie every morning and still losing weight, thank you) he saw the post and asked me what I was going to do about the crispy onions.
So, I headed for the kitchen. I grabbed my slicer and made short work of an onion. Then I grabbed the first thing that came to mind. Nutritional Yeast.
I dredged the rings and strings of onion in the yeast with some added salt. I put them in the dehydrator here:

I don't think it will take long to make them crispy. I will let you know.
UPDATE 3, the money shot:

The onions are crispy and tasty. Better than I thought they would be.
He dipped his finger in the sauce and proclaimed it "good, but needs pepper!" I'll take that as a yes.
I put more pepper on his with his crispy onions :)
Dinner is in about an hour, I put the onion topped individual green bean casseroles back in the dehydrator until then.
They will be served with a mixed vege salad. Carrots, zukes, cauli, spinach. Probably some grated fresh horseradish, lemon and olive oil for dressing.
I better go start chopping!
rawified! now theres a new word!!
if you heat that up, is it then considered "cooked"?
The basic rule of eating raw is that no food should be heated over 118-125 degrees. Some people say higer, some lower, some say no heating, freezing or any other kind of processing including cutting with a knife.
I feel that if the food is left to set in my dehydrator which probably gets to about 125 degrees at the highest setting, there is no thermostat, the food inside is not reaching that temp, but a few degrees lower.
I also ALWAYS have a huge raw, fresh salad with my dehydrated entree so that at my meal is at least 51% raw.
51% raw is what we should strive for in our diets. More than 50% cooked food is what causes the leukocytosis.
Here is a nice little page you can read with some info in laymans terms :)
Thanks for commenting, Art! I love that you are interested in this!
Hugs, JJ
Duh, the url is:
Can't wait to taste it, will try it's recipe today….
Daffernia who are you? did you just come to put a link in my comments? Everyone, DO NOT click on that link. I think Daffernia is A SPAMMER!!!
Daffernia is a spammer. If you ever get a message from her delete it immediately. I wish I could report you, Daffernia.
Doncha just HATE that?! Ugh.
Yeah, I do hate it. It's things like this that make me want to enable comment moderation which is an ever-loving pain in the ASS. Fucking spammers are lower than, than... CANDIDIASIS!!!
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