And its good for you.
Crush walnuts, just plain old walnuts in a chopper. You could even chop them with a knife if you don't have a chopper. Crush them pretty fine, enough to line a pie plate. Press them into place, like you would a graham cracker crust.

Set this in the dehydrator while you make the filling.
Filling is
4 peeled, ripe bananas
5 chopped dates
about a half an inch of dried vanilla bean, chopped. You could sub vanilla extract if you like, it makes no difference to me :)
filtered water to blend
Keep adding water until its a pudding consistency. It should pour out of the blender and into the pie crust easily. Use a rubber spatula to scrape it all out.
Garnish with crushed walnuts.
I love the way stuff looks when it's swirling in the blender.

Friggin mystical.
I put it in the dehydrator overnight.

In the morning, I saw this

After we went and played in the snow for a while, I ate this for breakfast

The crust was better, firmer, more of a united force holding the filling together than I thought it would be. The filling got nice and firm and the only complaint I had is that the top was a little tough and when I cut into it with my fork, it crushed the whole piece. I think I would dehydrate it for a shorter period of time in the future.
It was sweet without being heavy or filling. I love that is was basically 2 ingredients. Bananas and walnuts with just a bit of sweetening, no extra oil.
Guilt-free Pie for Breakfast. A great treat for a snowy Saturday morning.

1 comment:
Your pie sounds and looks delicious! We're having a party food recipe contest and would love to have you enter one of your great recipes! The contest is on our blog: and the deadline to enter is today at 4 PM!
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