My point is, I love pasta and I miss it greatly. It was a cornerstone of my diet, pregan. I didn't eat a lot of animals before, preferring veges and grains. What was my point again?
Oh, yeah! Pasta, noodles, are VERY highly processed and far away from the nutritious, live foods with which I want to nourish my body and delight my tastebuds.
So, this is what I did.
One day I made a beautiful marinara sauce. I think it was my first one. I didn't know what to do with it but I had seen photos of vege pasta noodles and decided to try it. An hour and a lot of cussing later i had a pile of some of the most mestup, uneven, scraggly noodles you ever saw. They were delicious, but lacking esthetically.
I vowed then and there that I would get a julienne peeler and $15 later I got this:
It goes by the name Kinpira. And it will cut you
Bad Ass Kitchen Tools. This be one.
Do not try to hold the vege in your hand while making noodle, you will bleed on them and then they won't be vegan (technically, they will, because you willingly gave your blood, but that's another entry).
There is a whole zuke, done...
And fluffed, ready to serve with your best raw sauce,
Or, they could go in the dehydrator with some spices and/or vinegar for a couple of hours and you have warm, seasoned noodles that you could eat plain or sauced.
Delicious, raw, simple. Life don't get much better than this.
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